Did You Know?

The Brantford Model Railroad Club is the 3rd longest operating model railroad club in Canada.

The Brantford Model Railroad Club was established and has been at its present location since its inception in 1947. We are located minutes from the Brantford Train Station, in Brantford Ontario Canada.

The Club started in a single garage of a four garage building. It slowly expanded into the other garage bays over time and the entire building was purchased in the mid 1960’s. Early layouts were constructed even when the building had only a dirt floor.

As the club progressed over the years it came time to install a solid concrete floor. In order to achieve this without disturbing that particular layout – club members had to cement one half of the floor at a time.

The Club has continuously moved forward with the times and keeps in step with new products and innovation. Anything required for the layout that is not produced in the mass-market – is scratch built or ‘invented’ by our members. The modernization of the layout itself has been a major milestone and has shifted the momentum of the Club. It has peaked the interest of both the members and those who visit us during one of our many Open House or Yard Sale events.


Any Club begins with a common interest shared by a few individuals who gather under one roof. There are many different ingredients that need to come together in order for those individuals to create the reality of that shared interest.  Many of our members also bring special talents that help our layout continuously move forward with technology and new modelling techniques. We always encourage the membership to ‘think outside the box’.

The Brantford Model Railroad Club is just that. It started with a dream of a few individuals from diverse backgrounds who shared interest in the early technology and days of model railroading. From those early days, evolved a club which continues to promote the hobby, evolve with new technologies and is proud to be one of the longest operating model railroad clubs in Canada.

Contact us:  bmrc1947@gmail.com